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Me Made May 2020

Aktualisiert: 1. Juni 2020

I took part in #memademay this year. It's a kind of relaxed challenge in the sewing community hosted by Zoe from So, Zo's Blog which I found on Instagram. I love seeing the different outfits and selfmade items of different people who take their time to appreciate their homemade wardrobe even more.

I tried taking part in the challenge last year as well but this year was the first time I made an official pledge on Zoe's Blog. Since I try to wear at least one handmade garment every day, I've pledged to only wear outfits that are completely sewn by myself in May. This pledge excluded underwear, socks and shoes as I haven't sewn these items that much yet and I wouldn't have enough for one month.

Also I tried to divide the month into four parts in which I focus on different garments. The first one and a half weeks I set my focus on blouses. This theme was followed by shirts in the second week of May. The third focus was on pants and I finished the month with skirts and dresses. In this post I will show you the different outfits I have put on during the month and also write about my sewing resolutions I've made by wearing these outfits.

If you have any question regarding an outfit you can find more information on my instagram account or you can just ask me.

I really have no shortage of handmade blouses but I also love wearing them either for work or in leisure. While wearing all those different blouses during the first week of MeMadeMay I realized how much I like button down blouses. And in the picture above you see all the button down blouses I made that still fit while there are still some more other blouses in my wardrobe.

So the first resolution I made was sewing some more button down blouses until next year!

A shirt combined with a jeans or any other pants is the perfect outfit for me. But while I have various blouses I lack of basic t-shirts. Most of these were only sewn in the begining of this year. And half of them are made after the same pattern.

Therefore, my second resolution from this theme was trying some more different patterns for basic shirts!

I already started my second pair of #GingerJeans during the third week of May as I decided one pair of jeans was not enough for my everyday life. And I also remembered again how much I love wide legged pants and flowy culottes. On the other hand I sorted out the light blue trousers, because they are not quite my colour and also scratch easily when worn.

Regarding shorts I only wore one of the four pairs I've made as the weather wasn't the best during this week. But this ammount of shorts is also enough for the summer in Germany.

My third resolution from #MeMadeMay after pants week is to make some more culottes after finishing my second jeans!

As you can see the last week with the focus on dresses and skirts has been shortened a bit by myself. But the reason was not that I don't have enough dresses - I have a lot more than I wear in everyday life - but a bike tour for which this theme was not the right choice. But I realized that I should wear my dresses more and also that I only have skirts in fabric that's not originally made for clothes.

So my last resolution is to make at least one skirt out of clothingfabric and to wear my dresses more regularly.

In total my resolutions are to

  1. make more underwear and socks to include them into my #MeMadeMay next year

  2. make more button down blouses

  3. try different basic shirt patterns

  4. sew more culottes and maybe a third jeans (I can never have enough jeans)

  5. sew a skirt from clothing fabric and wear my dresses regularly

I really think Me Made May is a great way to find out what's missing in your wardrobe and to become aware of older makes again!

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